Rowing will be suspended if there is threat of an electrical storm. If there is a gap of less than 30 seconds between the thunder clap and the lightning strike, boats must immediately turn around and head back to the clubhouse as fast as possible. Rowing will not commence until there has been no further thunder or lightening for at least 30 minutes.

British Rowing Row Safe offers the following guidance:Use the '30 - 30 Rule' when you see lightning, count the time until you hear the thunder.

  • If it is 30 seconds (approx. 10 km away) or less, seek 'proper shelter'.
  • If you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule for it being time to seek 'proper shelter'.
  • Wait a minimum of 30 minutes after the last lightning or thunder before leaving shelter.
  • On average a typical storm moves at about 40 km/h giving approx15 minutes to seek 'proper shelter'.
  • Although no place is absolutely safe from lightning some are safer than others and 'proper shelter' can be:
    • an enclosed substantial building with electric and telephone wiring and plumbing to provide a safe pathway for the current to earth to the ground.
    • a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows shut. This acts as a Faraday cage and guides the lightning around the passengers - mini-buses are an excellent shelter for large groups of people.
  • Unsafe locations and situations are:
    • open spaces - field, lake, river
    • underneath canopies, small rain shelters, trees, umbrellas, tents & marquees
    • close vicinity to the tallest structure in an area near metal or carbon objects - riggers, boats, blades,
    • trailers, launches, etc.
    • using electrical appliances or plumbing such as water taps, sinks etc.